Monday, April 5, 2010


I am a pretty random person, I enjoy being thrown into unknown situations. After all, they often lead to the most fun. So when my cousin, Brian, asked me if I wanted to go to a Celtics game with a bunch of people I either barely knew or didn't know at all, after the original person had to back out, I said absoloutely. We headed out from Maine semi-early with some coffee and anticipation. We picked up the next two in our group in southern New Hampshire and then headed into Boston to meet up with the rest. Once we dropped our stuff off at our new friends' place and immediately headed out in search of food. We found ourself smashed into a corner booth of a pizza joint called Regina's. There is no better icebreaker then eating really good pizza while sitting, almost, on top of each other. The group went from cautious strangers to a bunch of goofy, laughing friends within an hour. We shared funny stories, made business plans and so on and so on. We spent the rest of the pleasent afternoon over some cocktails at their very cute apartment in Boston's north side before heading to the game. Unfortunately, the Celtics got their asses handed to them by the San Antonio spurs. However it was still a fun event. Cincinnati never had professional basketball, so I don't know much about it and don't follow it at all. I found, though, that my love for virtually all things sports definitely extends to basketball. I could probably even get into being a Celtics fan, it was that fun. Overall the trip was well worth four hours in the car, and the two hours of sleep I got before heading to work the next morning. Anything in the name of a new adventure, haha...

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