Saturday, March 12, 2011

Time flys...

I have been meaning to revive this blog for awhile, I even find myself thinking in terms of blog posts, but obviously I never quite make it. It's been almost a year and what a year it's been. In some ways it's been the best year of my life, so far :) By springtime I was well on my way to being settled, quite contently, into my cozy apartment in southern New Hampshire. Having my own place, but with family one flight of stairs away is ideal and the best of both worlds for me. A spot to be me, but good people to enjoy a meal or a glass of wine at the end of the day with. And while Maria, my cousin, and I grew up together, getting to know one another as adults, and finding that we really like each other outside of the family connection, is really one of the greatest gifts I've had. So as spring rolled easily into summer, one of the reasons I got so far behind is because last summer has to have been one of the best, weather wise, ever! We took advantage of that, spending almost every weekend at the lake. It's a 2 1/2 hr ride on a good day, yet it never seemed too long and I never hesitated to make the drive to spend a couple days boating, boozing and hanging out with the fam. The fourth of July had amazing weather, and a large number of family members. We had our first theme 4th, where everyone whore outrageous sunglasses, there were hours of water volleyball and a well done rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner", on electric guitar. The more time I spend at the lake I find that, while I cannot put into words my love for the big family events, there is a lot to be said for the quieter times as well. Laying in the sun, reading a book, coffee and breakfast with my dad (and mom when she's there) with a fire in the woodstove and the water lapping at the rocks outside, an afternoon cocktail with my grandparents, kayak rides on a still morning, spending time in my Aunt Linda's kitchen, a boat cruise under the stars with Karen and Beno. All things I cherish a little more each time. We had a couple really fun events with who I refer to as the "regulars", a macaroni and cheese bake-off, where I didn't actually win, but since I got to try 8 different kinds of mac and cheese, I'm going to call it a win. And, as summer turned swiftly to fall, our first ever progressive dinner. Appetizer's at the Elmendorf camp, soup and salad at the Renaud camp, lasagna at the McNeely/Lamontagne/Rosi camp and finishing it off with dessert at the Perro camp. Such a fabulous, relaxing, and enjoyable night of family and fun.

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