Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

For the superbowl I headed back to Maine to watch with my family. I left after work Saturday night and got to my Uncle Mike's around 11:30 at night. After watching some disastrous base jumping attempts on TV we went to bed. I got up first thing the next morning and went to meet my cousin Corey at his brother Nick's where he was knee deep in kids. He had his son Bryce over there watching Nick's youngest two Christian and Hannah. I had so much fun. Usually when I get to see the kids there are twenty adults and bunches of kids hanging around at family gatherings, but when it's just me I got so many hugs and kisses. We read stories and played with toys. Christian, or toot as he is also known, was up for a little bit while the other two went down for a nap and he was cracking me up, he's a total ham. Bryce is a total lovebug, likes to be snuggled up as often as possible, and Hannah was just taking it all in. I really feel like she is paying attention at all times to everything going on around her. I reluctantly said good bye to the crew after a few hours and headed back to my Uncle's. That afternoon, my two cousins Brian and Derik and their kids came over to watch the game. The kids were really good, but had a great time together running around. It made me reminiscent of the many times we ran around with our cousins growing up thinking that this was the time of our lives, we may have been right, haha!! The adults watched with dismay as the stupid Steelers took the superbowl, ugh! Hopefully Bill Cowher is right and bengals go to the playoffs next year. Anyway, all in all it was a REALLY great weekend and I loved seeing everyone. Below are some pictures.

Christian with his bear and thumb!

Bryce and,

Hannah, poor girl had a runny nose going on that day. Below is Madi, Gavin, Kelcie and Dominic getting ready for the 3-D commercial at halftime, one of the few moments they were still all night

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