Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow and Driving....New England style

I heard at my staff meeting Tuesday that there was some winter weather headed our way. 8-14 inches supposed to start Wednesday morning at like 3am and last until Thursday at 1 am. So I considered packing a bag for work in case I wanted to stay over because I was working wednesday night and thursday morning. I decided against it as I was late running out the door. At about 2 pm I went outside brushed the five or so inches of snow off my car and headed out. I made it to work ok, the roads were a little rough there was no left lane driving on the highway, but the right lane was fine so no big deal. At 930 when it was time to go home I went out to start my car and brush another 6 inches of snow off my car. When I headed out to go home there were MANY times I should've paid attention to the red flags and turned around. When it took me 5 minutes to get down the street (which is two houses long) or when it took me 15 minutes to get up a quarter mile hill. But no, I made it all the way to the bottom of my own street in about 90 minutes and found out about 30 seconds later that I didn't have a chance in hell of making it up the road to my apartment. My little car gave it a valiant effort but 30 minutes later I quit, backed down a curvy snow covered dirt road and went back to work, where I slept. The best part is I woke up in the morning fully expecting an easy day with no school and found out the girls only had a 2 hour DELAY! Over a foot of snow and they get a delay, while I'm watching Cincinnati schools get closed for the third day in a row. So, I wore the same clothes all day, and just made it home to a hot shower and toothbrush about an hour ago. The roads this time were almost completely clear, craziness!!


  1. Wow! I don't know how you drove. I would have FREAKED out! I freak out when there is a dusting. We're heading to Atlanta tomorrow and am in full panic mode about driving! :) MISS YOU! You need to post some more pictures of your beautiful land!

  2. NOW you are going to learn how be a Vermontah! We don't shut down for a silly little 18". Say bye-bye Flatlander! We should give you a few tips though (besides the need for snow tires). You should always keep in your car; boots that you can walk in 18" of snow in for an hour, extra clothes that will keep you warm for that same walk, a flashlight, and a power bar. Because, it doesn't matter what you had planned, that may not be how you spend your day. So come over and get those tires taken care of. love ya...
