Monday, July 27, 2009

Breaking it in

I have spent a lot of time at the lake this summer. The novelty of living so close to the lake hasn't worn off yet and if I have a couple days off with no alternate plans, chances are that I am at the lake. Over time I have gradually been getting used to all the things that come along with the new camp. We've gone from west siders to east siders, which means I stay straight instead of turning right when I hit the lake. Our sunset is better, as opposed to their sunrise. Holding tank vs. a septic system, which may not mean anything to most people but trust me it makes a HUGE difference. Anyway the point is that I have gradually gotten used to the east side of the lake. However, a couple weeks ago the whole Elmendorf clan was in the camp for the first time, and it was no longer gradual. By the end of the week I really felt that the new place was our spot. Over the week we found a way to balance time on both sides of the lake, had our first formal meeting of the martini and cigar club, found out how long it takes to kayak straight across the lake, avoided tickets from the game warden, had an official dessert bake off, drank our first pitcher of margaritas ( and our 2nd, 3rd and 4th) and most importantly we started our memories there. I have a good time with my family no matter where we are, but it's an amazing feeling to look up and realize you are smack in the middle of making a memory.

We call these the first of a million martinis together in the new camp

Various members of the family at the pig roast near the shelter

Schmer and Moog wakeboarding

Sunset margaritas on one of the only nice days

The results of the bake off above and Aunt Stef enjoying one of those sunset margaritas at our impromptu cocktail hour on our deck.

Friday, July 24, 2009


During my first summer as a Vermont resident there are bound to be a number of other firsts. My first visitors, outside of my family, came up in June for a long weekend. Kati, Paul and Joey flew up the last weekend in June. Kati and Paul came up Friday and we spent the first couple hours having margaritas and mexican on the waterfront of Lake Champlain. Paul was very patient with Kati and I as we talked and talked, as we love to do. I'm sure he was glad to see Joey when he came up Saturday. We immediately got on the road to the lake and after a pit stop in Plainfield for lunch we got there just in time for cocktail hour. We also decded to have some fresh lobster, Kati had a little trouble with the process of tearing the lobster to pieces in order to eat it. She also discovered that she most likely has a shellfish allergy, which is unfortunate because shellfish is delicous and she was sick the rest of the night. She was feeling much better by morning, unfortunately for our plans to lay out, the weather was terrible all weekend, but this didn't stop the boys from finding fish and they spent a lot of time in the brooks and streams nearby, as well as casting off the dock. So while Kati, my mom and I visited across the lake, chatted and drank wine, the boys caught their own breakfast. Our last day there it poured down rain, literally all day, so we spent the day napping and watching movies. Not the most exciting vacation for my Cincinnati friends, but it was still really great to see them all and I was sad to see them go.

The cute couple

Joey playing with his food, as usual

Kati losing her battle with the lobster

The boys enjoying Bill's sauna after a day of fishing

Story time with cousin Bill

Paul eating the brookies they caught themselves and the boys grilling in the rain

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Radio silence...

I have spent the last few weeks running around like a crazy person. I had Cincinnati visitors when Kati, Paul and Joey stopped in for a long weekend at the lake. This was followed by fitting a five day work week into 3 1/2 days so I could head back up to the lake for the fourth of july weekend. My busy week had left me feeling under the weather, and my weekend at the lake did me in. I have spent this week alternating between bed and shortened work days. I still can't hear very well and my cough is wicked, but the meds are starting to work so I at least feel human today. However, I am heading to work for a 24 hour shift and then out to meet my family at the lake for a 10 day vacation. I do swear, however, to update about all the crazy goings on in my life the week I get back. Wish me sunshine and laughter!