Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Aaaaannnd they're over

Today I turned 30. I'm sure there is an exact time or something, but we'll just go with the day in total. I have found the most commonly asked question when you turn, or are turning, 30 is some variation of "are you going to lose your mind because you aren't a 20-something anymore." I have been getting this question for approximately two months, and here is my answer, I feel that I got everything I needed and everything that was available from my twenties, and am as ready as ever to rock my thirties. This is not to say that I didn't miss opportunities and that my way of living is the recommended way, but it worked for me and I wouldn't change it. Here is some of what I learned,
In the year 2000, at the age of 20, I was a two time college drop out and certain that I didn't know how to be independent because I couldn't cut it away at college. So, I decided to spend a summer at Maidstone Lake. I spent the summer working at a country club with a bunch of kids my age just trying to make life happen. That summer gave me a lot, probably more then words can express. The fact that I not only never felt the need to go running home, but made friends and thoroughly enjoyed a new experience which helped me to regain a lot of self respect and confidence and probably was the event that set the tone for how I chose to live my 20s. I made mistakes and I definitely didn't follow any laid out paths, but damnit I had fun. I made more friends then I lost, including reconnecting with old friends. Following a pretty intense quarter-life crisis, I went back (at age 25) and finished that college education, for better or worse. I celebrated my friends marriages and the births of their children, knowing full well I wasn't yet ready for either. I did my best to be the best friend I could be, not always getting it right, but hopefully not repeating the same mistake twice. I found that I was lucky enough to be related to my best friends, and that my parents did a really good job. What I thought I knew at 20, I will probably never really know, and it's probably more fun that way. I partied too hard, but came out the other end with no permenant damage and some fantastic memories. I still don't want to know what I want to be when I grow up, or if I even want to grow up. What will I take to my 30s...all of it and then some, can't wait :)


  1. Very well put Katie !!!! You are an amazing young lady and we are all proud of you and love you very much.
    Uncle Mike

  2. FYI, you turned 30 at about 6 pm. Love, Mom
