Thursday, February 18, 2010

What I've been up to...

I have found that if I get a little behind on this blog its hard to know where to pick it back up. Do I start with the move to New Hampshire or possibly my nine day trip to Cinci, but that includes pieces of the Bengal run to the play offs, or I could start in the new year where my life has been busy with family, new friends and lots of big plans for the future (including a trip to Jamaica). Do you understand why I have had trouble starting again after a long hiatus? So in the spirit of my new motto on life, and my sister and my's New Years resolution, I'm not going to waste a moment of 2010 and I'm going to start with right now. So right now I this is what is going on in my life. I am glad to say that life is good, really good. I am as happy as I can remember being in recent history, satisfied in work, life and my pursuit of a dream that is undefined and everchanging, which makes the pursuit that much more fun. Very recently I spent the weekend up at Maidstone lake to help celebrate my cousin Karen's 60th birthday. I was like a kid at christmas while getting ready for the weekend, for two reasons, 1) I love a good surprise party, and I was on the inside track of this one, helping Maria to plan and prepare for what turned out to be a fantastic night. 2) I hadn't been up to the lake in the winter time since I was maybe 4 years old. I had a great time, getting the opportunity to cross two things of my list of things to do in life. Billy let me take his snowmobile across the lake and even with a helmet flying across the middle of a wide open space was cold, yet exhilerating. Let's just be glad I can't actually afford to own one or I would probably end up getting a little bit addicted to that particular activity. I also got the opportunity to go ice fishing, or I guess more accurately I got to watch some ice fishing. A goal of mine since watching Grumpy Old Men at a young age. Let's just say I was inappropriately dressed in jeans while everyone else was in snowpants, so it's probably a good thing that I had to cut my time outdoors short to get food together for the party. I do intend, however, to do it again with a fishing license so I can participate and get the full experience, because being outside in the fresh, crisp air and hanging out with family was a lot of fun.
Camp in winter, our little setup

Uncle Kev drilling one of 17 holes for traps

Aunt Natalie and I, super warm and cozy out in the middle of the lake

Happy Birthday Karen!!

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