Sunday, January 13, 2013


I was going to let it go, I really was. I mean, two years is a really long time to ignore something completely. However, in a new effort to get back to things I love, and find new things to add to that list, I am giving it one more shot. It's a couple weeks into 2013, the holidays are over and most resolutions made in a celebratory mood as the year came to a close, with champagne in hand, have been broken. It's that time of year where the majority of a cold, dark winter stretches out before you without much to break it up. This year, for the first time in recent history, I made no list of resolutions. What I did instead, is make a singular resolution to be "someone I would be interested in knowing". So with the help of my good friend Janelle, we made a list of things we intend to do this year, equaling out to approximately one thing a week from the list. They aren't all new things, they aren't all exciting, some cost money and others are free. Essentially it's all the things we talk about and never do. The hope is, with a list of items to cross off, we are more motivated then usual to get them done. One of these items is to keep a journal, which is why I will attempt to use this forum as my record of this attempt at being interesting. So here it is, in no particular order...
Listen to live music
Take a salsa class
Go Latin dancing
White water rafting
Cooking class
Try a new workout (spinning, class, etc.)
Road trip to acadia national park
Go to Canada
Learn how to change a tire
Build something from scratch or refurbish a piece of furniture
Do a Murder mystery
Go to a baseball game
Play a round of golf
Visit Salem, MA
Go to Boston Art Museum
Walk the Freedom Trail
Go sailing
Make Jam(and other canning adventures)
Buy a new plant and have it survive
Have a SPA day
Go to a farmers market
Spend a day at the beach
Go paddle boarding
Go ice fishing
Keep a journal
Go hiking
Run a 5k
Do some charity work
Go to a vineyard
Do something scary (not horror scary, nerve wracking scary)
Watch classic movies
Read a classic book
Read a non fiction book
Vacation to tropical place
Do an ART project
Spend a day thrift store shopping
Go ice skating
Learn to shoot a gun
Go horseback riding
Attempt couponing
Print pictures
Have a “cupboard potluck” dinner
Do a walking tour of my birth town
Make a living will
Learn to play a song on the guitar
Spend night out in Boston
Go to NYC
Sleep on the beach
Make homemade soap and candles
Visit some of New Hampshire's natural wonders
Seems overwhelming when all written out, but I have faith that it can get done...wish me luck!

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