Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Visit a vineyard/winery

“Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized.” ― Andre Simon

Part of the fun in undertaking an adventure such as this idea of being bold in 2013 is other people getting excited about it and, ultimately, joining in the fun. Recently, while enjoying a casual Saturday morning breakfast with a couple cousins and their spouses, we started discussing "the list". Everyone had their items that they were ready to join in on, things they thought should be added in, and more rarely, the items they chose to pre-emptively call in sick for. As we talked, and got more excited, the spirit really grabbed us and my cousin, Maria, said "well, let's cross something off." Which is how we found our group of five adults, a baby and a dog strolling the snow covered grounds of Flag Hill Winery in Lee, NH. Not exactly the prime time, as the vines are all in a state of hibernation and the winery tour was not running. Despite all this, we had a lovely afternoon, first enjoying some fresh air while Sammi ran through the snow, chasing whatever we threw. After we were good and chilled, we headed up to the the winery itself, which was warm and welcoming, after our tromp. The women working behing the bar were friendly and accomodating, ready with samples of anything we wanted to try. So we sampled wines, both red and white, liquors and liqueors. Some were tasty (red wine, port), others not so much (apple brandy). In the end we all walked out with a paper bag containing our favorite items to enjoy later. I personally took home a bottle of the first gin ever distilled in New Hampshire, and a bottle of the red wine. As our afternoon came to an end we all went off to our seperate evening plans, however, the danger of day drinking is that your evening activities can be heavily effected. I believe that every member of our little adventure party was either asleep or had taken a nap by 8pm that night. The beauty of being an older adult is that this doesn't bother us in the slightest :) I hesitated to post about this visit, as it was short and we intend to go again when we can do the full tour, but in the end the point is that we took the initiative and went. We had a great time, and their is definitely a little buzz that goes along with every checkmark on this list, and it definitely makes me feel like we are accomplishing something, which is the point of it all.
The sleeping vines

Our crew: Janelle, Charlie, George, Maria and Derik!

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