Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Print Pictures

"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce." -Karl Lagerfeld

I have always loved pictures. I love when you catch a moment, the kind of moment that when you see it again it instantly brings back the music, the joke, the atmosphere. I am not one to forgo a real live event to take a picture, so there are plenty of memories that will live only in my mind, but sometimes the camera comes out, and sometimes it snaps at just the right second. These are the pictures I love. However, in this age of technology, most pictures stay digital, which can have a lot of benefits. It's easy to show the world a favorite picture, or to find one when you need one without searching endless shoe boxes, but I sometimes feel as though the ease of the modern world takes some of the warmth and joy out of displaying them in your home or room. When they are on the computer, someone can type a comment to you, or share a smiley face, or even just let you know how much they "like" it. What I like better then that is when a guest in my home looks at my pictures, and asks a question, it can start a conversation about things you wouldn't normally think to talk about. Or even better, when someone who was part of the event, can look at it and you share a laugh over the events during, or surrounding that picture. It's a way to engage with the people in your life, and to me that's the most important thing there is.

So I recently made a point to pick some of my favorite pictures from the last couple years and have them printed off. They make it very easy for you these days, another benefit to the digital age. I sent my pictures, via email, to Walgreen's and an hour later they were ready. The whole process cost under $10, and now I have some fun memories displayed in my house.

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