Monday, May 18, 2009

Accidental Tourist

With a Sunday morning off AND in town I thought I would try to do something I had not done since I got here...go to church. I set out in what I thought was plenty of time to get to St. John's episcopal church in Stowe. I also thought I remembered the quick shortcut out to route 100 but instead I ended up missing church and driving even farther up into the Green Mountains. I saw some beautiful scenery and amazing homes tucked away on some dirt roads. When I finally did get to Stowe I totally fell in love with it. It's mostly known as a ski town with multiple resorts based around the ski mountain in the area. So I spent some time driving around the town and happened upon a farmer's market. There were lots of stands set up, live music, face painting and horseback rides. It was a perfect way to spend a sunny Sunday. I even took home some marinade and homemade jam and pickles.
Somewhere along my drive through the mountains

random covered bridge, also up one of the many country roads in the area

Water under the bridge, haha...

Stowe from the outside looking in, not a great view it's really way more beautiful

Farmer's market

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