Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer is here...almost

Memorial Day weekend marked the beginning of my summer. My parents flew into town for the closing on their new camp on Maidstone Lake in Vermont. I grew up going to the lake at least once a summer and have spent a couple whole summers there. I love it there and am beyond thrilled that there is now Elmendorf property on that lake. We drove straight from the closing to the lake and after a brief stop at the new camp headed over to my grandparents camp across the lake. Shortly after we got there family started showing up. The weekend was tons of fun, we spent most of Saturday showing the new camp off and doing some cleaning. Some of the boys braved the FREEZING cold water to put the dock in. We also had an impromptu camp warming, everyone came over and celebrated the new place. We had drinks, dinner and a storytelling session. We had a little trouble getting out of bed in the morning, but mostly because it was cold. Mom and I laid in bed with blankets until dad got the fire and coffee going. The weekend was a blast and very busy. Which is why I went back this past weekend alone. I spent some time with my grandparents, but I also spent a good chunk of time by myself. The weather was back and forth between calm and crazy. I actually watched a sheet of rain cross the lake and whitecaps crash over the dock. Luckily I was nice and cozy indoors with a woodfire burning, a cup of coffee and a puzzle to put together in front of me. Two very different weekends to begin my summer at the lake, both equally fabulous. I can't wait to spend more time there.
Maddy supervising the men as they put in the dock...
...and having a solo dance party, just like I taught her!
Dad grilling dinner on the deck
The newest piece of Elmendorf property, early morning lake as seen from our deck
My biggest accomplishments of the second weekend. Two puzzles, one I did alone and one with my grandparents. See if you can guess which one is the "adult" puzzle, needless to say we were disappointed with the lack of racy content. Is that wrong?

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