Monday, May 4, 2009

Birthday weekend in New Hampshire

This weekend was my Aunt Erin's birthday, so I headed to New Hampshire to help celebrate. Both summers I spent in New England I spent at least part of living with my Aunt. Generally our time together involves a lot of chilling out and laughing. This time was no different but I tried to help her bring in her birthday with a bang anyway. Her favorite breakfast is eggs benedict, home fried potatoes and mimosas. Home fries and mimosas were easy, but I have never even eaten eggs benedict let alone made it. Luckily I remembered that my gramp taught me how to poach an egg about nine years ago (which is the last time I did it) and he used a cool contraption which my aunt also had. I got through it with a little help and below is a picture of the result. I think it turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself, at least I enjoyed it and I think she did too.
One of our traditions is to "frappe" together. Frappes are milkshakes with a fancy new englander name and for some reason in our case it always leads to extreme comedy in some form and this time was no exception. We made our own homemade frappes and as Aunt Erin was pouring them into glasses we had a frappe-tastrophe as we like to call it and ended up with black rasberry chip milkshake all over the counter just as two of my uncles and two of my aunts and their dogs walked in the door with cake and ice cream for a birthday surprise. All in all it was a great weekend...

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