Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Theater Production-check

After I moved to Vermont I realized I had just checked off two of the biggest items on my life long to do list, college degree and living in New England. So I decided I really needed to write down some of the smaller things I always wanted to try, in the hope that this would encourage me to actually do some of these things. Almost immediately I was able to check off yoga from my list, I tried it and liked it and continue to do it semi-regularly. When I was talking about this list with one of my coworkers she told me she could help me out. I always wanted to participate in a theater production. My friend performed these past two weeks in Shakespeares Much Ado About Nothing in a small community theater. They use volunteers at every performance so I stepped up to the plate. Most of my theater experience revolves around professional actors either at the Aranoff in downtown Cincinnati or at Playhouse in the Park. The difference between those productions and this one were huge. Instead of vested bartenders serving food and drinks there were people like me serving homemade baked goods, made that day. I got to have a glimpse at the behind the scenes as the actors applied their own makeup and did their own hair in between turns practicing pieces of their performances on the stage before the audience showed up. When people began to come it was fun to watch the crowd as most of the people knew at least one other person there, and many of them took an interest in me. The friendliness of the small audience was very welcoming and their enthusiasm for the play being put on was authentic. It was an all around up-lifting experience and perhaps with a little more warning next time I could be even more involved.
P.S. The play was very funny, I had never seen it in any format before and I really liked it :)

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