Sunday, November 1, 2009


Yesterday, in keeping with the halloween spirit, one of my clients and I decided to participate in some spooky activities. First, we decided to venture into Hope cemetary in Barre, VT. Barre is a granite town so there are some truly amazing and original headstones in this cemetary. I had never been before so we decided to go check it out, partly to see the headstones and partly to freak ourselves out before our trip to the haunted zombie house. While we were there we took some picture, mostly as a joke, to "catch" something other worldly. While I blame the dots in the pictures on the light rainfall, they do look a little creepy and when they are blown up some of them appear to be falling upward. Take from them what you will, I leave it up to your judgement...

On our way out of the cemetary we decided to exchange spooky and true stories. Mine was from way back in my childhood. When I was little there were quite a few cousins all within the same age range who would be running around camp together. Over the years we have put serious time and effort into freaking each other out, either physically or mentally, with varying levels of success. So from a young age we had in our minds that there were quite possibly some pretty old spirits sharing our lake with us. One night, when I was maybe 7 or 8, we were headed out for one of our very favorite childhood activities, PJ Patrol. We would put our fashionable orange life jackets on over our pajamas and pack into the boat so one of our Uncles, or Grampy, could take us visiting across the lake. This night, we were on our way back to our camp and my cousin Kevin and I were sitting in the very front of the boat. Right as we were rounding the point and at the exact same moment we turned to tell our Uncle to make sure and watch out for the fishing boat, to which he responded "what boat?" Well of course we turned to point it out, but the boat was no longer there. Now Kevin often liked to steal my thunder, so I made him tell me first what he had seen. He proceeded to describe, in detail, a long fishing boat with a man standing on one end with his fishing pole cast into the lake and the man was wearing a tall hat and a long coat. This image, only a dark shadow against a dark lake, was the exact image I had seen. We spent the rest of the ride home in open mouth shock and I am not sure we've ever really talked about it to anyone else or even each other. And to this day I will sometimes think of the fisherman as we come around the point at night and wonder if I'll ever see him again.

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