Sunday, December 13, 2009

Holiday Spirit (or lack of)

I adore the holidays, I love the decorations, the family time, the weather (I really do), giving the perfect gift, really just about every part of it. After my first Thanksgiving away from home went so well, I was ready to march right into the Christmas holiday. Unfortunately some things were working against me. Accepting a new job, while exciting, also means that I am not adding lights, a tree, and garlands with bows to create a beautiful and merry feeling. I am, instead, emptying my place a little at a time making it less and less of a home. It also means that I have not been roaming around to various family members as much due to the amount of work I have to do here, so I can't even partake in their brand of holiday joy. On top of all that scrooge-like activity we either set the record or came close for the latest snow fall ever in Vermont. Instead of a winter landscape of snow, and the crisp and clear air of winter, we had rain and muck. In the past week I have had a significant shift though, for two reasons. 1) My advent calender and 2) snow. Most years growing up we had an advent calender and as adults we have not let go of the tradition. When I was home in November I was thrilled when my dad presented each of us kids with an advent calender that he had gotten us. So every morning I get up and find the appropriate date and uncover a new picture, building the excitement for impending holiday one cartoon picture at a time. Then, just as I was already starting to get excited, our first big snowfall. We got about 6-8 inches over the day wednesday creating a beautiful winter landscape, finally! So even though my home is less home like, and I continue to postpone christmas shopping, I am in the holiday spirit and enjoying every moment as it comes. The view from the bend in my road after the snowfall on Wednesday

My advent calender, yay!

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