Monday, December 14, 2009

Silent Fury

I took a short break from the craziness that my life has become in the past couple weeks (packing, cleaning, etc.) to go see my cousin Alex's band Silent Fury. Their three man band has been traveling around and touring quite a bit, but I had never managed to see them. So I was super excited, but unsure of what to expect. I was VERY pleasently surprised to find out that they are a really good band that plays music I really enjoy. They moved from original songs to covers and back again seamlessly. I found myself rocking just as much to the original songs I had never heard before as I did to the covers, which happened to be some of my favorite songs. They were also quite the show men and the people there loved them, filling the dance floor. Let me tell you, there is nothing quite like seeing your young cousin autographing his CD for a fan, but I was super proud of him and really can't wait to see them again. I didn't get any great pictures but I included a couple of them just to give you an idea.

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