Thursday, December 3, 2009


While I will always be thankful for the experience and the fact that it got me where I am now I must admit, I am not a huge fan of my job. I have, in fact, spent the last several months looking seriously into other options with little to no luck. So I am quite happy to report that I have accepted a new job. I am going back to my roots and working with the children. I am going to be working as a nanny again. I hooked up with a girl who is running an agency where I will be working full time, but splitting it for a couple different families on a regular basis and will have the ability to add extra time in helping other families in the area from time to time. I am very excited about it, and after spending a day working with one of the families that will be my regulars I feel that I have made the very best decision for myself. Oh and one other thing, it means I am moving again. This time I am moving even closer to the coast, and will actually be working right on the coast. My living arrangements are still up in the air, but let's face it, I spend half my life up in the air. It's a little scary but like I said, I am just really excited and happy to be going back to something I know I love to do. Anyway just wanted to let you all know what's going on with me.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, I'm so happy for you! What a great opportunity for you! You always were the best nanny! Does moving closer to "the coast" mean the coast of the Ohio River? :) Miss you!
