Monday, April 20, 2009

The end to a good day...

So yesterday was a really good day. Work was good and we spent a lot of time outdoors because the weather was beautiful. When I got home I decided to take in more of the good weather from my deck and got to see an amazing sunset. So at around nine when I normally would sit down to watch some tv I found I was still restless. My TV viewing has been drastically cut down to size since I moved here, but I still often end my night with it. I decided last night it just wasn't going to cut it so I opened a bottle of wine, put my ipod on shuffle and had a living room dance party for was AMAZING!! You would be amazed at what you learn about your dancing style when you are by yourself as opposed to being surrounded by a bunch of people on the dance floor. For example I learned..
* My hip swing to the right is far superior to my hip swing to the left
*I am more of a Phoebe (large sweeping gestures) then an Elaine (shorter more contained movement)
*I am not nearly as good a dancer as anyone in either step up movie, I'm actually quite terrible but it won't make me stop.
A few tips for your own at home dance party...which I am strongly suggesting you try.
* Limit the number of lights you leave on, they will make you self-conscious
* Give yourself one skip on the music, do it too much and you won't get any rythm down, but there is always that one song that will kill your mood if you don't skip it
*PUT THE WINE DOWN before you try krumping, which you would think would be self explanatory
*Baggy clothes will just slow you down, yoga pants and tank top worked for me
So seriously, it's an amazing stress relief, apparently a pretty good workout since I'm a little sore today and it's just plain fun. Hope everyone tries it at some point.

Here's a picture of the sunset from my deck....

1 comment:

  1. The one-person dance party sounds like fun. Maybe I should try it. I'm afraid I'll scare the dog if I start krumping, though.
