Wednesday, April 1, 2009


...are awesome. As part of my graduation present my sister bought two webcams, one for the Cincinnati branch of the family and one for me. So every so often I have video chats with my parents or megan or sometimes all of the above. It's nice to see a face once in awhile, and honestly it leads to quite a bit of comedy. Mom likes to use props from her cereal boxes to enhance the video chat experience. Last night the book club my mom and I have belonged to for like 7 years or something was meeting and talking about the book "The Soloist" which I really loved, so they webcammed me into the meeting. Mom set up her lap top on a chair and I got to be part of the book club via the internet. It was so cool. I won't say it's the same as being there, because its not, I didn't get to taste the yummy treats and I had to open my own bottle of wine. It was really fun to see all the ladies again and be part of the conversation. Next time we are going to try and three way video in our other out of town member which should be interesting...

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