Thursday, April 9, 2009

Support Systems

Sometimes I think people highly underestimate the power of a support system. These come in many different varieties and are essential to life. I always knew I was lucky in my family and friends and I do my best not to take any of them for granted. I am becoming more and more aware that being so far away from everyone you have learned to depend on is a test in itself. Having a work week like the one I am currently in the middle of, were I in Cincinnati, could see me heading in a number of different directions depending on what I wanted to do. There are people to see if you need to laugh it off, drink it away, stew in it, bitch about it or simply be distracted away from it. I am happy that I am starting to build a new and different kind of support system here. I am making friends at work who are in the trenches day after day with you and can fully understand the ups and downs of our jobs, and I have family in every direction that are ready and willing to welcome me at any time. I also have my apartment which from day one has felt like a good place for me, but increasingly feels more like a home and has become a comfortable escape from the rest of the world. Even as I write about the new life I am building in the beautiful northeast I am fully aware of the fact that the reason I know how to do this and what to look for in my new support system is because of the one I already have. I am, after all, not replacing anything I'm simply adding to the amazing support that I continue to be beyond blessed with.


  1. Katie, that was very well said! We miss you lots, but are so glad to see you having such an amazing adventure in this chapter in your life! Many blessing! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

  2. We may not be close by but we're still here for ya, babe. Hopefully next week will be better....
