Friday, January 16, 2009

First week down

So it was a week ago today that I crossed the border into Vermont and my new life. With subzero temperatures outside, that are still dropping, I am cozy and warm in my apartment with sweatpants on, glass of wine in hand and the tv murmering in the background. So looking back at this past week I have learned that while many things are drastically different here, there are some things that will be the same no matter where I am. Some moments that stood out for me...Walking out of the post office, where the post man was amazingly friendly and helpful and showed lots of personal attention, turning around to see the tiny one room post office with a backdrop of huge dark mountains and realizing I am definitely not in Kansas anymore. The first time I went to the grocery store and checked out and realized that this state is WAY more expensive and that I need to learn to bargain shop. Hanging out in a high school where students call their teachers by their first name and listen to ipods while taking exams (not kidding). Having three seperate people go slack jawed in shock when I told them that no I did not have snow tires on my car. The living room dance party, which did in fact include flo rida and runway walking, that I participated in tonight in preperation for the high school dance I am attending on Sunday night (once again, not kidding). So I will leave you with that, the thought of me surrounded by kids in formal wear, wish me luck.

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