Friday, March 27, 2009

Busy, Busy

Ever since I moved up here I have been waiting for that big moment of doubt. I prepared myself for pushing through and coming out the other side knowing that in the end it was a good decision. I have come to the conclusion that it's not going to happen. My uncle asked me recently if I had any regrets, and I answered very honestly that I don't, because even on the days I am really frustrated or upset over work I am so happy to be living where I am that I could never regret taking the job that got me here. I miss seeing my family more than words can say, but thankfully there is technology that allows me to be in daily contact with them. A couple days ago I finally got my license and plates switched from Ohio to Vermont and it occured to me that for six months or so I have constantly had something that I was searching for or taking care of. First it was finishing school and finding a job, then it was finding a place to live, then it was the stress of figuring out whether to stay in my current apartment or moving to a new one to ease the transition to a being a Vermont resident. So on Tuesday when the decisions were all made and the plates were on my car, the license in my wallet I became concerned that the big lull was about to hit and without anything to do I would finally be bored and start questioning my decisions. Then, the very next day, I spent the day at work, drove straight up to Burlington to meet my aunt for dinner and then went out with friends for trivia night. We lost, badly, but we laughed alot and I will never again forget the coefficient of friction (mu, who knew?). So with the snow from a brutal winter melting, future social plans in place and the season for opening camps on the lake around the corner, I see nothing but blue skies ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Katie, it's so great to see you so happy in Vermont! Hopefully we can come visit sometime soon! We miss you lots, but are so glad you're doing so well! What a leap you took and what a positive outcome!
